Beaches ~ Photos ~ Quotes ~ June 4, 2024

3 thoughts on “Beaches ~ Photos ~ Quotes ~ June 4, 2024

  • Beautiful compilation of beaches from many places. I recognized the monoliths in Oregon—just amazing! I see some from CA as well. Any NJ beaches? I loved the dune grass since it reminded me of Long Beach Island. I know you were there with your Mom when I was building our home on the ocean and was living in the house I had bought to stay in during that period. Good job, my photographer cousin!

    Love, Donna

    PS: We will know about the Primary Tuesday night. It will be God’s miracle if Russ wins since he didn’t have the $$ to spend advertising; however, he traveled thousands of miles and shook over 4,000 hands during these last 16 mos.+ The Dems are putting lots of $$ into advertising for Ron Hanks whom they know their Dem Challenger can easily beat him! And the State GOP Chair endorsed this man of little brain. Russ told me if he loses he will start working on becoming the GOP Chair since the current one is unbelievably dumb.


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